Friday, April 4, 2014

Just-In-Time (JIT)

Just-In-Time (JIT) originated as a new approach to manufacturing and has been successfully applied in many industries such as the automotive industry. It has significant implications for distribution and logistics. The overall concept of JIT is to provide a production system that eliminates all activities that neither add value to the final product nor allow for the continuous flow material

Just-In-Time (JIT) is  a system that applied to reduce cost. Mostly is about cost. In simple terms, that eliminates the costly and wasteful elements within a production process. The objective of JIT are vitally linked to distribution and logistics, including as they do:

  • The production of goods the customer wants.
  • The production of goods when the customer wants them.
  • The production of perfect-quality goods.
  • The elimination of waste (labor, inventory, movement, space, etc)

Just-In-Time means only what is needed, when it needed and what is amount needed. According this production plan can eliminate waste, reducing inventory and responding the customers. By taking a just in time (JIT) approach to inventory and product handling, the company can cut cost.

The result is that the right parts and materials are manufactured and provided in the exact amount needed - and when and where they are needed. Under just in time the rights always a customer. This is because activities in the system only occur in response to customer order.

Productions pulled by the customer rather than being pushed by the needs or capabilities of the production system.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Air Transportation Characteristic

Air Transportation Characteristic

As we know, air transportation the movement of passengers and cargo by aircraft such as airplanes and helicopters. Air transportation has become the primary means of common-carrier traveling. Greatest efficiency and value are obtained when long distances are traveled, high-value payloads are moved, immediate needs must be met, or surface terrain prevents easy movement or significantly raises transport costs. Although the time and cost efficiencies obtained decrease as distance traveled is reduced, air transport is often worthwhile even for relatively short distances. Air transportation also provides a communication link, which is sometimes vital, between the different groups of people being served.

First characteristic of air transportation is speed, the air transport is the fastest and the costliest mode of transport. The manufacturing of large size passenger and cargo airplanes and their operations require elaborate arrangements, such as hangar, landing, fuelling and maintaining facilities. Thus, the air transport is used only for high value goods and passengers. Delivery speed, in-transit time is short, but also reduces the risk of goods in transit, so that many valuable items, precision instruments are often used in the form of air transport. Today's international market competition, rapid air transport services provided by the supplier can make foreign markets to respond to the changing of the stock market immediately, rapid introduction of marketable products to capture the market, to obtain better economic benefit.

Because of fastest speed, air transportation has distance advantage characteristic by reducing the distance of time travel, it is important and necessary due to the large size and planned economic development. The large industrial and commercial centers area spread out through the length and breadth of the country. These centers require very fast transport links.

Air transportation also save packaging, insurance, interest and other expenses. As a result of air mode of transport, goods in transit time is short, fast turnaround, business inventory can be a corresponding reduction. On the one hand beneficial to the recovery of funds and reduce interest expense, other companies can reduce storage costs. Also, because air cargo transport safety, accuracy, cargo damage, cargo less poor, and insurance costs are lower. Compared with other modes of transport, air transport packaging simple and packaging cost reduction. All these are the hidden costs of the decline in business, revenue increases.

Intermodal: Passenger Transport

In intermodal, its have two has two types which are intermodal freight transport and intermodal passenger transport. This post will explain about intermodal passenger transport. Intermodal passenger transport, also called mixed-mode commuting, involves using two or more modes of transportation in a journey. The goal of mixed-mode commuting is often to combine the strengths (and offset the weaknesses) of various transportation options. A major goal of modern intermodal passenger transport is to reduce dependence on the automobile as the major mode of ground transportation and increase use of public transport, to assist and encourage such trips.

Mixed-mode commuting often centers on one type of rapid transit, usually rail, to which low-speed options (i.e. bus, tram, or bicycle) are appended at the beginning or end of the journey. Trains offer quick transit into an urban area, where passengers can disembark and access a similar array of options to complete the trip. Most modes of transportation have always been intermodal; for example, to get to the airport people have always needed drive or be driven (e.g. take a taxi) or to take public transport (if available), and to get to an inter-regional railway station people have needed take local transport such as a bus, tram, or urban rail.

Advantages of Mixed-mode commuting by combines the benefits of walking, bicycle commuting, or driving with the benefits of rapid transit but location plays a large role in mixed mode commuting. Rapid transit such as express bus or light rail may cover most of the distance, but sit too far out from commute endpoints. Locations close to major transit such as rail stations carry higher land value and thus higher costs to rent or purchase. A commuter may select a location further out than practical walking distance but not more than practical cycling distance to reduce housing costs. 

Other cost advantages of mixed mode commuting include lower vehicle insurance, lower fuel and maintenance costs and increased automobile life. In the most extreme cases, a mixed-mode commuter may opt to car share and pay only a small portion of purchase, fuel, maintenance, and insurance, or to live car-free.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

"Drive Less, Save More"

In the modern world, we can see every single activity of movement will involve transportation such as vehicle and truck. But we do you realize that the cost of transportation is the most critical factors that must be face by everyone, either people in logistic activity or citizen. “Drive Less, Save More” also is the technique to minimize the cost of transportation and also it help to reduce global warming. This is because transportation can cause pollution that can lead unpredictable event occurs such as flood and earthquakes. So that, we must understand how to implement “Drive Less, Save More” in our daily life.

Actually, “Drive Less Save More” give people inspiration how to maximize using their private transportation, how to fully utilize using transportation system from economic and environmental perspective. There are several solution that will explain this such as using public transportation,carpooling and bicycles.

Public transportation is economical. Why? This is because taking public transportation is cheaper than using own transportation, and if they have their own car, many cost they have to cover such as money for service, repairs and insurance. So that, taking public transportation are more efficient if you are student and also it can provide discount. For logistic field, it is better to minimize using own transportation and try to fully utilize the company that provide the fright-forwarder service to carry their goods.

By using public transportation, they can reduce traffic congestion when the people willing to use public transportation rather than own transport. Its can reduce the rate of pollution happen come from vehicle because there are less car driving on the roads and its able to keep environment green.

Next solution of “Drive Less Save More” is carpooling. Its also known as ride-sharing, car-sharing and lift sharing. Its can give environmental impact which current research prove that the average of car releases ten thousand pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) every year. An overabundance of CO2 in the atmosphere will lead global warming happen. By implement carpooling, its can reduce this effect toward our earth by reducing the number of car on the road. Carpooling also can saves our money too because they sharing the cost of driving in one car. Driving one car saves on gasoline, tolls, parking and vehicle maintenance. In logistics field, we can use the consolidation method in order to minimize the using of transportation by collecting the small shipment and convert to the larger shipment. This also can fully utilize the space in delivery of their shipment.

As human, we must realize that our earth was suffer because of our act, so we can use “Drive Less, Save More” as a solution to save our environment and also save our money to not be waste anymore in future.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Packaging of goods in transportation are importance that must be aware by manufacturer or shipper because customer are really care about their goods condition when the goods are arrive to their hand. So manufacturer/shipper must do something about packaging in order to maintain customer satisfaction and make sure their production running smooth. First we will give our opinion about purpose packaging of goods in transportation. 

The purpose is safety/protection because its can act as shield toward goods to against temperature extreme, humidity and vibration impact during transit. Packaging also make labeling and identification of product either type, quantity and description more easy to be find and arrange to delivery or store in inventory for inbound and outbound activity. Its also can increase the sale by using unique method of display on packaging to attract customer to buy their manufacturer/shipper also must alert about environmental factor,so their must provide packaging that easy to disposal or recycle in order to maintain environmental condition. Packaging also can make goods easy to manage,usually manufacturer use box because box are cubic capacity,its transportable also can fully utilize of space either in delivery or storage.

Next is packaging design which mean the design of a package is the result of the amalgamation of inputs from the corporate staff as necessary to accomplish the objectives of the product packaging. First is production. This element must address whether the current production capability is adaptable to the product configuration, the effects of the configuration on the ability of production to meet customer orders and whether new production facilities might be necessary. Next is materials handling. The package should ideally, permit manual handling without physical harm. The packaging should accommodate the standard quantities(easy to calculate). Other than that storage also include in packaging design which is the packaging should be constructed so as to discourage inventory pilferage.

They have two  main types of packaging. First is consumer packaging. Customer packaging provides customers with information about the product and promotes the product through the use of color and shape. Packaging design focuses on customers convenience, market appeal, retail shelf utilization and product protection. In general, ideal consumer packaging makes very poor logistical packaging. Other than that, consumer packaging also provides information like ingredients, suggested way to cook, expiry date etc. Second is industrial packaging. Industrial packaging are more on logistics emphasis. It provides less information such as quantity, manufacturer, fragility etc. The basis color of this packaging is white and brown.

Last but not least about packaging is benefit of good packaging. The benefit are lighter packaging may save transportation cost. Second is careful planning of packaging may allow better space utilization of warehousing and transportation. Other than that, more protective packaging may reduce damage and requirements for special handling. Use of returnable containers provides cost saving as well as environmental benefits through the reduction of waste of products.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014



Assalamualaikum and Salam Sejahtera to all readers of our blog which is "Logistical Supremacy" that creates and gives to you the information that we have know and also gives our opinion about the topic that our lecturer ask us to discuss it. As a topic of our post today is about the characteristics of the road freight.

There are 5 modes of transportation in Malaysia. There are Road transportation, Rail transportation, Air transportation, Sea transportation and also the Pipeline as we already explain on our first post. So, on this post, we focus more on the characteristics of the road freight or also known as the road transportation.

There are 2 types of road transportation which is private carrier and also the public carrier. Private carrier is focus more on the transportation provide by their own company. Other than that, for the public carrier, there provide the service to any company that do not have their own transportation to transport the good to the point of consumption.

Road transportation or road freight also more focus on their truck. Truck is the common transportation that we use to transport the goods which using the road. There are 2 types of truck which is truckload (TL) and also less-than truckload (LTL).

Road freight provide accessibility. This is mean that the truck can access all the road that have provided to reach or to deliver the goods in front of our door. This service we called it as door-to-door service. It may take some delay to transport the goods using this service, but the road freight have their specialization that we actually do not know.

Compared to the Air transportation, road transportation have lower price. This is because, Air transportation only transport the high value of goods such as diamond and other emergency goods. So that, they may charge the high fees for each of their using this transportation. However, the road transportation have high fees compared to the Sea transportation. This is because, the shipment of the goods which consolidate it and transport the low-value goods.

Other than that, truck also fully utilize because of their packaging of every goods. The packaging is the main role of the utilization space. If not fully utilize the space, the shipment of the goods may at the high risk of damage.

In conclusion, the road transportation is the most common use in our country. This is because road transportation can access all the road in Malaysia. Therefore the road transportation have an economic prices.


There are many rational transportation of regulation and policies in Malaysia. Our region must have follow and obey the regulation and policies that the government was fixed it. First, the rational of transportation of regulation and policies is increase safety public users. For instant, the public users must follow the speed limits of the road uses. Normally, the speed limits is 90 km/h to 110 km/h to maintain their speed. Other than that is the heavy transport must use the left side road for give the smoothly and easier for another transport to drive. The emergencies road line also important for us to remember and make sure that there is no car or other transportation use that road line for their safety .

        After that, the traffic jams also have been most of the issues  of the regulation and policies in Malaysia. The public users must follow the direction and the schedule when the day seasonal comes to decrease the traffic jams happen. Usually, it will jams because of the user of highway could not follow the scheduled and become a problem for other public user.

    Next, is the causes of maintaining subsidization for Malaysia people. For instant, any car from outside the Malaysia must use the RON 95 for maintaining our subsidization for our Malaysian people.
The fair competition also also be the important part for the economics Malaysia, causes of the rate that had been fixed price.
     Furthermore, the rational from environment. The public user must respect the other public users for instant, they cannot horn the car at the Hospital, cannot throw the rubbish from the window at the road and will fine for RM 500, cannot do the open burning, cannot step at grass and drive slowly at the front school.
          Moreover, for the social contribution is the rational for this is the public user may get the good situation and the easily for the other public user and get the safety properly if our region follow and obey the instructions given from government.
          last but not least, the develop or continue vital transport services. The reasons to fulfill customers satisfaction through quality of services provided by transportation system becomes more effective in services. The improvement of transportation services will increase the number of public transport users,therefor,reduced congestion and minimized accidents. The plan and make decisions.Regulation and policy helps government to plan and make decision which is considered important to country and public. Government may control the number of taxis or commercial vehicles operated in the country through licensing.